Black Sky Robotics is a family run hobby to send a homebuilt autonomous satellite into near-space, and monitor it in real time through its own tracking telemetry.

Photos and videos from previous launches

These photos are taken from various simulation runs, and from a launch to ~105,000 feet on November 23, 2014. The launch took some amazing photos and videos, but suffered a circuit disconnection during launch that meant it didn't complete its primary mission

Our mission (next launch March/April 2017)

The hardware

[Note - the exact mission is not disclosed for good reasons... Here is at least some background on the contents]
Never say space is cheap. We now have an awesome set of hardware, including:

  • 3 Android phones - The brains of the system, which handle taking photos, videos (all synchronized through bluetooth commands), and all comms
  • A IOIO board - Connects the primary phone to sensors, external GPS chips, and the satellite modem
  • A Rockblock satellite modem - For when you really, really need to know where your kit is
  • Lots more - Temperature and voltage sensors, servos, locator buzzers, controllers for downward facing 808 keychain cameras

The software

This started as a third grade science project, three years later we have this:

  • ~15,000 lines of Android code (Java) - keeps the phones doing things and talking to mission control
  • ~9,000 lines of server side code (PHP) - Handles mission control, live map tracking, data logging
  • Fallback modes and full crash recovery - 90,000 feet up, there's no debug mode. If it crashes, or even turns off, it restarts exactly where it left off, as batteries run out, non-essential services turn off
  • Automatic uploading of photos, videos - Doesn't matter if this lands up a tree, when the phones have cellphone coverage, they're sending photos and videos, and the site automatically uploads to Youtube
  • Full remote control - Through Google cloud messaging, and the satellite link if need be; can also take photos and videos remotely
  • Custom compression algorithm - Satellite data is expensive; we squeeze everything into 44 bytes a shot

Meet our team

How the site works

Check out our website - each section has a lot to look at for past flights and simulations, or for when there's a live flight happening.


Follow the progress of the satellite as it was built, plus some stories from previous simulations and launches.


Live map

If the satellite is in the air (or a simulation is active), you'll see a live track and marker for where the satellite is, and where the launch/chase crew is.


Mission control

Those starship enterprise decks with blinky red/yellow/green lights? Yup, got those, plus position, altitude, temperature, battery levels and data on satellite status, downlink speeds, etc. .


Photos and videos

Near real-time (if in flight) photos and videos taken at different altitudes, all geo-tagged. Videos are automatically uploaded to YouTube.


Flight data

The motherlode of current or historic flights and simulations - raw logs, KML files, graphs of temperature vs. altitude, or whatever you ask of it.


Remote control

A password protected Admin site that lets me send the satellite manual commands, purge old data to keep performance up.

Famous space quotes

(c) Neil Shepherd 2017